Augmented Reality im Museum Stralsund
Augmented Reality im Museum revolutioniert das Besuchererlebnis im Meeresmuseum Stralsund, einem Leuchtturm der maritimen Bildung
Augmented Reality im Museum revolutioniert das Besuchererlebnis im Meeresmuseum Stralsund, einem Leuchtturm der maritimen Bildung
On behalf of the individual chambers DIHK-Bildungs-GmbH develops vocational training and continuing education products and services. Among these are the textbooks and exercise materials for the IHK exam preparation.
In a cooperation with 3DQR, teaching materials were provided with 3DQR codes to make the educational measures more descriptive and to support the participants in their learning process with visual and interactive elements.
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39104 Magdeburg | Germany
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Hasselbachplatz 2
39104 Magdeburg | Germany
T: +49 391 556 848 80
M: [email protected]
(c) 2024 by 3DQR GmbH